The culture committee would like to share a dish from the cuisine of Palestine. Musalwaa is a vegetarian dish made with lentils, rice, salt, pepper, cumin and olive oil. It is topped with caramelized onions and a squeeze of lemon juice. Musalwaa is usually prepared in winter and is the epitome of comfort food on a cold rainy day. Musalwaa is originally a peasant fallahi dish, satisfying, warm and comforting made with inexpensive ingredients. But don’t be fooled by the simple ingredients, slow cooking transforms this dish allowing it to shine. Check out this video recipe to try Musalwaa this winter season.
#Hike4Palestine Sparks Memories and Imagination

The hike has been very successful, attracting not only Palestinians, but many people from the greater community. Every week the number of participants increases, so I think the #Hike4Palestine has been very successful. -PAWA Board Member and #Hike4Palestine Organizer, Nasra Tobey
How did this hike commence?
Everything here draws us to our beloved homeland. We walk in this winter and around the oak trees. From every side, the imagination quickly moves us there as we circle around the fire pit and roast the oaks amongst the ashes and coals. The oak grain was sweeter than the chestnuts.
We continue walking, and behold, the winter stream with its sweet music! And around it are sorrel and buttermilk, and we recall those pure places of the wise and ancient people, the lamb, the lettuce of the mountains, and the olive oil feeding a place called home. What beautiful memories move within us at her thought instantaneously in moments like these in California, when we are reminded of our beloved homeland, the cradle of childhood and youth.
Beautiful California, through its climate, trees, and birds take us there. For a program this year we thought a hiking trip every weekend is when we can live Palestine with our imagination among the olive trees and oaks scattered across the mountains. And with the scent of oranges and lemons near the seas and the plains, we live happy moments even in imagination. The sounds of birds and the trickling of water take us back to the land of our only homeland..
We pledge to the flag that we raise that it will flutter, even if after a while, over the expanse of all that is ours, Palestine, and that tomorrow we will see it soon.
Rehab, PAWA Board Member
January 6, 2022
كيف كانت البدايه
كل شئ هنا يشدنا …..الى الوطن الحبيب …نسير في هذا الشتاء وحولنا اشجار البلوط …من كل ناحيه …سرعان ما ينتقل بنا الخيال الى هناك …ونحن نتحلق حول المنقل _ الكانون- ونشوي البلوط تحت الرماد والفحم …فكانت حبة البلوط الذ من الكستناء في نظرنا ….. … نواصل المشي فاذا بجدول الشتاء بموسيقاه العذبة ..ومن حوله الحُميض والخُرفيش …والخُبيرة …حيث كان الخرفيش هو خس الجبال واهلها ..والخبيرة مع زيت الزيتون …هي اطعام الغذاء في تلك البقاع الطاهره …يا لها من ذكريات جميله ننتقل اليها دون ارادتنا في لحظات من كليفورنيا الى الوطن الحبيب مهد الطفولة والشباب….
كلفورنيا الجميله في مناخها واشجارها وطيورها التي تنقلنا الى هناك …كل هذا وذاك جعلنا نفكر بان يكون برنامجنا في هذا العام …ان نقوم برحلة سيرا على الاقدام - هايك… ، في يوم الاحد - عطلتنا الاسبوعيه، نعيش فيه مع الخيال بين اشجار الزيتون والبلوط على الجبال …ومع اريج البرتقال والليمون قرب البحار والسهول …ونعيش لحظات سعيدة …ولو في الخيال…. تنقلنا انغام الطيور ….وخرير المياه …الى ارض الوطن… نعاهد العلم الذي نرفعه …انه سيرفرف ولو بعد حين فوق ربى ارضنا فلسطين … وان غدا لناظره قريب.
رحاب ..
Donate and Receive a Print of Chris Gazaleh Art!
To show our appreciation to محمد عساف Mohammed Assaf for supporting PAWA’s fundraising efforts for Palestinian women students, we wanted to give Assaf something that represented California’s diasporic community. San Francisco based artist Chris Gazaleh ( ) immediately came to mind, and he painted this portrait for Assaf. Gazaleh is famed for his art and murals in the Bay Area.
PAWA presented the art to Assaf in San Diego on 12/10.
Thank you to both artists for all that you do for our community.
Giving Tuesday: Invest in the Daughters of Palestine
Invest in the Future of Palestine’s Daughters
Date: November 30, 2021
Dear Community Member,
As 2021 comes to a close, we are calling on the community to support The Palestinian American Women Association’s long legacy of providing academic scholarships to Palestine’s next women leaders. We are proud to announce that five of our scholars graduated this year!
Every year we renew our commitment to the daughters of Palestine, and we need your support to see more scholars crossing that graduation stage. Our women face immense burden and economic hardship as they live under military occupation.
Our goal is to fund ten new students and continue our commitment to funding our existing recipients.
All funds go towards full ride, four-year, undergraduate scholarships for over 20 young women annually who demonstrate academic promise and financial need. Join us to close the financial gap and to make the goal of higher education more accessible for Palestine’s daughters!
To donate please :
Send a check payable to The Palestinian American Women’s Association and mail to 4790 Irvine Blvd. STE 105, Box 113, Irvine, CA. 92620-1973
Send your donation Venmo’s ID: @pawa_2020
With deep gratitude,
Sana Ibrahim, President
The Palestinian American Women’s Association of Southern California
Introducing the new board!
Congrats to our new board members who will be serving PAWA and the community for the next year. We are delighted to present new and invigorating programs and community space, both virtually and in person, as we adjust to a COVID world. Despite the pandemic, we were able to remain engaged with the community, but as we adjusted with the world, we are ready to greet you all into a productive and empowering 2022.
-PAWA Board of 2021-2022
Upcoming: Iftar Karama
Join PAWA and sister organizations on May 8th in an informal Iftar where we share food, socially engage! and support Palestinians in Gaza and refugees in Lebanon!
PAWA Featuring a special performance by Arab Idol, Mohammad Assaf
PAWA Virtual Ramadan Fundraiser Supporting
Palestine’s Next Generation of Women Students
Featuring Keynote Speaker Amaney Jamal, Professor and scholar of Middle Eastern Politics at Princeton University
Debka and Hip Hop performance by Shorouq, an initiative by Palestinian refugees struggling to end the injustice of their forced displacement. Shoruq addresses political, historical, cultural & socio-economic problems of refugees in Palestine & the diaspora.
Mohammad Assaf:
Shouq Organization:
PAWA will be hosting a film screening of Annmarie Jacir's When I Saw You and a Tatreez workshop. In addition, save the date for our annual International Women's Day Banquet on Saturday, March 7th, 2015 featuring Professor of Media and Communication Studies, Dr. Helga Tawil-Souri. Be sure to stay tuned by visiting our website and joining our Facebook group.
The Palestinian American Women's Association (PAWA) of Southern California is excited to announce that our sister, Rasmea Odeh will be released on bond. Yesterday, Judge Gershwin Drain filed a ruling granting Rasmea's motion to reconsider his November 10th decision revoking her bond. She will be released as soon as she posts the $50,000 cash bond. Rasmea will be coming home! Go here to donate to her defense.